Tag: Dimensions in the Treatment of Pets

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Can Take New Dimensions in the Treatment of Pets

CBD is very famous in recent years. What is CBD? This is a substance that occurs both in the cannabis plant and in the human body. CBD and THC are the most famous and most important substances from the cannabis plant. The advantage of CBD is that this substance has no psychoactive effect. THC does have this, therefore you can get stoned or high from THC and not from CBD. It can, however, alleviate the effects of THC. The human body has an endocannabinoid system. This system consists of cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors. The cannabinoid from this system corresponds to the cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. It is, therefore, a body substance which is also the reason why CBD is so well absorbed by the body. An imbalance in the endocannabinoid system: It is important that there is sufficient cannabinoid present in the body to keep the endocannabinoid system in balance. An imbalance can cause all kinds of different complaints and ailments such as fatigue, headache, dull skin, muscle pain and cognitive problems. By using CBD oil or CBD capsules, the cannabinoid in the body can be replenished, which may bring the system back into balance again. That is why many people choose to use these products preventively to support good health. CBD in US market: Medical marijuana is worth billions of dollars in the United States market. Many consumers turn to this form of 'therapy' for a variety of reasons. Legalized in 29 states of the country, the industry is focused on turning the focus to a new target: pets. For information, CBD oil for dogs has become popular among animal lovers. Did you know that many of our customers in the United States already treat their dogs and cats with Cannabidiol? That's because all mammals - and possibly all vertebrates - have an endocannabinoid system, which means that animals can benefit from CBD the same way you do. The benefits of cannabis are recognized: fighting pain, anxiety, inflammation and even side effects of cancer treatments. For all this, in recent years has been multiplying the companies dedicated to this new market, with dozens of products derived from cannabis for pets to appear every month. Cannabinoids interact with regulatory processes that occur naturally through the endocannabinoid system, responsible for maintaining the body's homeostasis, including regulation of immune responses, communication between cells, appetite, and metabolism. Due to this parallel between the systems of the human body and other mammals, some people have treated their pets with hemp products. According to the founder of Treat Well (California), Alison Ettle, it is possible for CBD products for pets, especially CBD for pet anxiety, to grow in this market about 20% every month. The company specializes in non-psychoactive cannabis products for both humans and animals and reveals that demand has continued to grow. They get between one and five patients with cancer per day and the results they are achieving are impressive. And while the substance continues to be considered illegal by the US federal authorities and the laws do not provide for its consumption by pets, more and more pet owners are getting prescriptions on their behalf to treat their animals later. The country's veterinarians have been widely consulted on the issue, since a recipe used incorrectly may not only help the animal but be harmful. According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, since 2009, reports of animal exposure to cannabis use in the US have not stopped growing, estimating a 50% increase. These reports include cases of dogs and cats that were taken to clinics and veterinary hospitals in critical condition. In fact, veterinarians are still divided over the use of CBD, just as some doctors still have doubts about the use of cannabis in humans. Lack of research and clinical studies prevents organizations from endorsing the CBD for animals. But gradually this is changing as we have heard success stories directly from professionals in the field, especially in some cases related to separation anxiety. CBD oil for dog separation anxiety has been sold freely on the market. For all that, the association has strengthened its communication on the subject, noting that, despite the legalization trend in many US states, making cannabis more available in many households, it remains highly toxic to animals. Cinomose: One of the most common serious veterinary problems in the world is Cinomose, a viral disease that attacks the immune and nervous systems of canines, presenting a very high mortality rate. Recently we have been contacted by veterinarians intrigued by the results of clinical studies of cannabidiol in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in humans, and by analogy, believe that cannabidiol may help in the treatment of dogs, but there is no regulation yet. The access to cannabidiol in the US was an achievement of the mothers and doctors in the country next to the regulatory agencies. Veterinarians and pet owners who choose to treat them with cannabis have preferred to use hemp products because it naturally has a high concentration of CBD, which avoids exposure to the psychoactive effects of THC, common when extracting the oil of marijuana. It can be concluded that the use of CBD has benefits for animals; even many experts predict that this substance might be used for several other animal diseases. Hopefully, this article can provide you with initial information about the prospect of cannabis in the form of CBD to deal with some diseases that attack pets. 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